Friday, June 22, 2012


Tanzania is an amazing country!  Peggy and I had the opportunity to go on a safari in the Serengeti.  Words cannot describe the beauty of God’s creation.  We saw baboons, buffalos, lions, cheetahs, elephants, crocodiles, hippos, gazelles, impalas, giraffes, ostriches, monkeys, wildebeasts, zebras, hyenas, rabbits, and many birds.  We’d love to post a picture to sum up this experience but we have about four hundred pictures to choose from.   Here's a few of our favorites! 

It was a great experience, one we’ll never forget! 
It was very evident that we serve a mighty, ingenious, and intelligent creator!  As wonderful as our safari was it was a long two days away from our new friends here and we were so glad to return.  What a blessing it is to be a part of God’s family here in Tanzania!      

Today Peggy spent the morning with the little children at the boys’ home up the road.  She learned that the children were not familiar with balloons popping.  One little guy was quite traumatized by the experience.  I went to town to figure out some banking issues.  Each time we go to town it is an experience like no other.  Thankfully the issues have been resolved, praise the Lord! This afternoon we went to the CarePoint centers.  We had a wonderful time with the children and learned that using white glue for the first time is very exciting! 

Praise Reports
·    safe travels to and from Serengeti
·    sweet fellowship with our Tanzanian family

Prayer Requests 
·    prayers for the staff and leadership of Christ’s Hope
·    sponsorship for the children


  1. The safari sounds SO awesome! The poor little guy and the balloon. I hope the experience won't cause long-term trauma.

  2. Maggie, I had to giggle at the white glue comment. It made me think of our days in kindergarten! Hope you are doing amaze me!
