Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Glimpse of True Religion

In preparing for this trip the verse that kept coming up in our training was James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts are pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  Today we got a wonderful look at the meaning of this verse in action.

Peggy and I had planned to meet with the boys today to do some tutoring, a Bible lesson, craft and sing some silly songs.  But first thing in the morning we got a call from the national director letting us know that we had a special invitation to celebrate with a local widow's group in Mwanza today.  So Peggy and I ventured into town with our friends John Samuel, Mapesa, Bebe Esther, and Joyce to meet with a group of widows.  When we arrived the ladies were busy cooking up a feast!  We shared a wonderful meal then took time to give thanks in praise and prayer.  The group consists of ten widows who gather regularly to share what they are going through, share encouragement and find support.   They are supported by a local church and Christ's Hope Ministry.  The women have been so blessed by this group that they are planning on expanding to meet the needs of the community in the year to come.

Some of these women have been widowed for many, many years and some just fairly recently.  The ten widows, all their children (nine in all), and six of us guests gathered together today to celebrate the year anniversary of the group and to give thanks to the Lord for meeting their needs, providing strength and comfort.  Please keep these wonderful women and their children in your prayers tonight.  


  1. So glad to hear that your trip is going so well.. We miss you guys here and are in our prayers every day!! Just a heads up we are officially fully moved into the house now.. !!

  2. What a wonderful support group they have created!
